39 Cove Road
Orleans, MA 02653
N 41° 47.273' W 069° 59.123'
OYC Web Site Home Pages
Orleans Yacht Club (OYC) has web content related to the club itself and the various sailing and racing programs at OYC. This content is on multiple web sites but is being consolidated.
The purpose of the Orleans Yacht Club as stated in the Charter is: "to encourage yacht building and sailing, to promote interest in yachting and aquatic sports, as well as social intercourse among its members, and to secure and maintain suitable buildings and equipment to accomplish these purposes."
OYC is very proud and very supportive of the OYC Junior Sailing Program (JSP) which is primarily a sailing instruction program. The JSP is open to any children under 18 years of age. No affiliation with an OYC member is required.
The OYC Adult Sailing Program (ASP) is sailing instruction that is free to OYC members and run by OYC volunteers.
OYC supports these sailing instruction programs plus racing programs and regattas for junior sailors and adult sailors.