2018 Daysailer Regatta Photo

Orleans Yacht Club (OYC) Adult Sailing Program


39 Cove Road
Orleans, MA   02653

N 41° 47.273'   W 069° 59.123'

Adult Sailing Program Leadership

The OYC Adult Sailing Program (ASP) is run entirely by volunteers. The ASP was started by past commodore Bill Moore and past commodore Steve Downs. Mark Farber and Wayne Hastings have since been added to the set of instructors. The program is now run by the three primary instructors, Steve, Mark and Wayne.

Starting in 2015 Fleet 15 members have volunteered to serve as mentors for adult sailing program sailors during the on-the-water part of the program. Wayne Hastings, Lydia Hopkins, Sid Snow, and Chris Crighton have helped out as mentors.

ASP Instructors

Photo of Steve Downs Photo of Steve Downs

Steve Downs

Steve Downs

Steve and Glenda Downs have lived in Orleans since 1999 but Steve had summered in Orleans at the Downs family cottage since infancy. During high school and college Steve taught sailing at Camp Tonset in Orleans and raced Town Class sailboats on Town Cove. One of the photos was from high school days. Steve and Glenda married after Steve completed college and have two children daughter Lynne and son Robert. Steve retired in 2003 but still works part time as needed. Steve and Glenda joined the Federated Church of Orleans in 2000 and was honored by FCO for his contribution to the community in 2018. Steve and past commodore Bill Moore started the OYC Adult Sailing Program in the spring of 2003 and continue to instruct during the summers on and off the water. Steve was OYC Commodore 2007-2009. Steve sailed a daysailer with Fleet 15 for a number of years. Steve is the OYC Marine Committee leader in charge of maintaining OYC sailboats. In recent years Steve and crew on Steve's power boat served as safety boat in nearly every OYC adult club race and regatta and a few JSP regattas. Steve enjoys boating, sports, the OYC, FCO, fourth of July family gatherings, and just plain doing things.

Photo of Mark Farber

Mark Farber

Mark Farber

Mark has lived full time on the Cape since 1996, presently in Harwich. Before that, and since 1957, Mark spent many Summers with his family in Brewster, and began sailing at the OYC at age 7, when he was called from the Race Committee float to crew in a Turnabout. His mother ran the JSP for many Summers while Mark and his 5 siblngs went through the JSP, and all raced on Sundays on family-owned Sprite and DaySailers #s 756 and 880. Mark taught in the JSP for 4 Summers.

Mark's sailing experience expanded beyond the OYC to include sailing on the 110’ Westward as part of the Sea Education Association; racing OK Dinghies in Melbourne, Australia; crewing on a 47’ sailboat from Hawaii to San Francisco; and cruising in the BVI’s and on the Chesapeake Bay. An OYC Member since 1998, Mark has served as a OYC Director. Presently, Mark teaches in the ASP Shore/On-Water program, and acts as a Race Committee PRO for Sunday Racing and OYC regattas. He continues his larger boat racing and cruising on Nantucket Sound as a crew on the Saylavee out of Saquatucket Harbor.

Photo of Wayne Hastings

Wayne Hastings

Wayne Hastings

Wayne and his wife Pat moved to the Cape in year 2000 from Central Massachusetts where they presently reside in Eastham. As children, both vacationed in Eastham with their families in the summer, but did not know each other.

Wayne has been around water most of his life, with his first boat being a 12'wooden flat bottom row boat, given to him by his uncle at the age of 10. During the early years he had a succession of power boats that he used for fishing, water skiing, and other recreation. His sailing experience consisted of trying to keep a sunfish upright! Later, he and his wife took sailing lessons and purchased a 19' Oday, sailing it on local lakes and Narragansett bay. Inspired by a book given to him by his boss, "The Compleat Cruiser", by L. Francis Herreshoff, he purchased a 25' Oday and sailed it on Narragansett Bay with his family making trips to Block Island and Cutty Hunk. After moving to the Cape, Wayne restored a wooden Beetle Cat and sailed it on Cape Cod Bay with his wife for several years. Crewing on a J30 for manyl years he wanted to skipper his own boat and try racing. Purchasing a O'Day Daysailer he enlisted his son-law to crew and began racing at OYC. In 2020, his 6 year old grand daughter, Hudson began sailing with them and is training to be a crew member. Wayne is a past member of the US Power Squadron and Wickford Yacht Club.

ASP Mentors

The ASP has quite a few mentors for the on-water instruction. Mentors sail with sailors in the instructional program as needed or requested. The following people have served as ASP mentors: Wayne Hastings, Lydia Hopkins, Sid Snow, Jean Pettengill, Chris Crighton, Diane Dodge, Chuck Hanson, Roger Cross, Bill Brotherton, and Per Bentson. Wayne Hastings, Lydia Hopkins, and Sid Snow are Fleet 15 skippers. Diane Dodge is the JSP director.

ASP Volunteers

Numerous people have help the ASP in operating motorboats during on-water instruction, helping with sailboats or powerboats or in other ways.